What's New
Are You Ready?

What do you get by joining?

  1. Survival becomes more important than Success. The modules and activities in TTP will transform the children to be a Survivor.
  2. The growth of the children is not just depending on which class they are studying. It depends on how strong they are mentally and physically which we are more focused to develop in every child.
  3. Every child should know their parents are their best friends with whom they should share everything for their safety. TTP ensures to enrich the relationship between the children and parents.
  4. Building relationships is not that easy as it thinks. With whom to talk, where and what to talk makes them a better person especially when it's with elders.
  5. TTP makes the children to understand that we are nothing without the mother nature. 
  6. All these without compromising the special feature called Happiness!

How does this transformational path works?

Live Session

Live session for every 2 module to clear doubts of parents and kids.

Pre Recorded Session

Access to each Level video, after the completion of the previous Tasks given by the Expert. MSLS Team will be guiding you at every step.
Certificate for each module completion
Over all Certificate after completing all the modules

For whom is this transformational path?

  • For everyone who wants their kids to be happy, successful, and balanced. Specially designed for kids + parents. Their complete involvement is essential to see the transformation.
  • For kids: All the necessary skills to become a happy, successful person in future.
  • For parents: A complete change in how parents see and approach their kids, for pretty much everything.
  • For the whole family: Overall a positive change at home. A Happy Home!

EQ is more important than IQ to lead a better life.

It is more than being just successful.

What will you learn on this transformational journey?

  • The blueprint for making a happy family.
  • Super effective, highly curated process.
  • Whether your kid is hyperactive, or lazy, or easily distracted, we got you covered. Our blueprint to a happy family is universal and can bring any type of kid streamlined for his/her betterment.
  • Invaluable information for a complete Happy and Balanced life.

Kid's screen time has dramatically increased during the current pandemic + lockdown situation.

We want to keep your kid’s screen time to minimum. So we have more hands-on, physical activities.

The screen time which we utilize is only to connect with your kids and start the activity - Maximum of 15-20 minutes day!

What are bonus benefits?

  • Bonus 1 15+ Carefully monitored parental challenges
  • Bonus 2 15+ Happy Kids challenges
  • Bonus 3 150 pages over all -The Transformational Path guide.
  • Bonus 4 Live interaction and monitoring with MSLS Team.
  • Bonus 5 Challenges accompanied and guided by MSLS Team.
  • Bonus 6 Top secrets for Happy parenting & Happy Childhood.
  • Total of 10 modules
  • 8+ Renowned mentors
  • Curated high quality content
  • Unbounded growth of kids for 7 - 15 years old kids
  • Each module
    • 4 to 6 levels
      • 1 task per level (takes minimum 2 days)
      • Video for each task to learn
      • Parental challenge for each level (specifically designed for a happy family)
      • Happy kids challenge for each level (transformation of their lifetime)
    • Quiz


  • 10+ modules
  • 40+ levels
  • 30+ kids challenges
  • 15+ Parental tasks
  • 150 page overall PDF

We do not want more than 20 minutes of your kid's time per day.

We want to protect your kid's eyes as much as we want to transform their lives.

Limiting your kid's screen time is a must. So we have designed this with lot of physical activities.

Ms.Vaishnavee Balaji

Founder & Chief Happiness Hacker - My Stupid Little Science | Social Activist | Success Coach | Speaker

Super duper roller coaster journey, with unwavering persistence and will power brought myself here. Serving downtrodden and building up the younger generation is what that makes me whole.

A Computer Science Engineer Post Graduate, turned Social worker. I have 5+ years of experience in core, but adhering to the Life's demand, became a Social worker at the age of 27, to bring positive social change through my initiatives and NGO'S.

Key note speaker, delivered 100+ special talks in top Colleges, companies specifically focused on younger generation.

Addressed 70,000+ Students, Parents, Corporates, through "Stay Safe Awareness drive", motivational talks, gendersensitization, women empowerment, entrepreneurship, lifeskills, social responsibilities.

Honored with 7+ Awards and recognitions, for the Commitment and passion to bring in a positive change in the society.

Recognized as one of the Powerful Women of Coimbatore.

Featured in The Hindu, Times of India, Josh Talks, The Hindu Tamil, Dinamalar, Kenfolios, Simplicity, The Covai Post, Top journals Vikatan, Thozhi, News channels- Thanthi, Pudhiya Thalaimurai and many more, for social works and initiatives.

With all my core skills, Started my brain child, "My Stupid Little Science" in the year 2017, a unique platform for Kids to Express, Explore, Learn & Share! Where every child is Unique and Incomparable.

On a mission to teach ten million Parents and children by 2025, how to future-proof happiness. I advocate fear(less)ness and practice what I teach.

Last, but not the least.. I'm a proud Karate Ka!

You are at the right place at the right time. Hack the Happiness of your children and family, by being the change.

Specialty of this program:
  • A socially conscious team eager in dedicating time to shape up the upcoming generations.
  • A proud program from the house of MSLS.
  • Handpicked activities and information from the experts.
  • One of its kind of program which focuses on betterment of the whole family.


  • Don't worry, you are in the safer hands. My Stupid Little Science has been consumed by 200+ students and parents already

Our Mentors

Dr. Shilpa Shah

Lifestyle Health Consultant Director of Swastii Lifestyle Medicine & Naturopathy Clinic

Areas of Specialisation: Naturopathy, Yoga therapy, Natural Health & Wellness, Years of Experience: 25 years .
"My Stupid Little Science is a wonderful platform and very good initiative, very much essential for all the children. Mostly the parents are concerned about academics or studies, children won't have exposure to many other skills. They need lot of life skills how to handle life by themselves, to be independent and to be confident."
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Consultant for Urban Roots, Landscaping and farming, Expertise in Customising Gardens and Farms, Associated with School's to create Garden & Farm.
"STUPID'S Club is a very good concept teaching Life Skills to children. Other than studies children should know and develop every Life Skill, develop curiosity like how and why does this happen. I started gardening at my III class and now my grand child who is just two years old is gardening with me. If he can do it then why can't you?"
Shanthni Balu

Apex member of Siruthuli

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Lieut. Esan

Commander of Disaster Rescue Squad.

He and his squad rescued, - Flood6 Affected areas in Tamilnadu and Kerala during 2015, 2018 and 2019 and rescued nearly 750 people - COM Crisis - reached nearly 7 Lakh people, provided Ventilators through Indian Army at Coimbatore. - Trains Youngsters for qualifying as Officers in Military and has given nearly 300 officers. - Trainer for Civil Services Personality Test - IAS, IPS, Officers. - His recognitions includes a commendation from Chief Minister of Kerala and - 2 citations from Union Minister of State for Health and Funnily Welfare in 2020.
It's my pleasure to a part of this 'Transformational Path' initiated by Vaishnavee Balaji and she has started this venture called Stupid Science. We formally believe in transformation, you can see to my left people who have transformed, who have been risking their lives. So, like wise, there are many who aspire for something in their life but don't know how to pursue it, which direction to take and don't know how to communicate this to elders. This Transformational path and the sessions by experts will actually put them in the right direction. It is also helpful for the parents to understand what are the various opportunities around us and how we must actually put our children in the right direction, instead of having them without directions. Unfortunately, our trend is that we are driving our children to learn, to write exams and understand almost everything under the Sun without knowing where they are proceeding and this initiative is a great initiative to tell the youngsters what they need in life, what actually is their goal and what they need to do to accomplish that. So, I'm sure the modules coming under this topic will be helpful for everyone.
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Teaching & Practicing KARATE and TAICHI for 28 years. 2004- Gold medalist National Level Karate Championship 2005 - World Cup, Greece - Bronze Medal, 2007 - KOI World Cup, Bulgaria - Silver Medal 2013 - Karate Judge - Asian & World level, Spain. The only Qualified Woman as a Self —Defense Trainer Reiki practitioner and a Reiki Master / Bars Access and consiousness /Cranio Sacral Therapy / Family Constellations / Past life Recalls
Do you know what STUPID means?! Next time somebody tells you Stupid, say ,' Yes, Thank you so much, I'm Stupid, I'm Unique'. So, how you are Unique? By learning all these skills from the Stupid club, you will become efficient. You will be able to think in a situation, you will be able to come out of a situation. You will be able to handle anything that life gives you and you will welcome and let go with our open heart.
Sonika Vickraman

A martial arts exponent, World Karate Federation-Judge.

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Prof. E. Justin Ruben, B.A., M.Phil.,

Professor (Senior Grade) – English at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.

• B.A. in English (Gold medal) • MA in English - University II topper • M. Phil dissertation based on Fiction of Salman Rushdie • Waiting for Ph.D. research (viva voce examination) • Presented 14 papers in National/International conferences • Also CIT NCC's Associate NCC officer, completed PRCN143
"The theme behind the program had a very clear motivated idea of developing the personality, character and confidence. If you really want your kid to be the luminary of this millennium, take steps to build their character by transforming themselves as well as the life of people around them."
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Fellowship in Neonatology. Paediatrician, Neonatologist, Growth and Development Specialist, Allergy and Asthma Specialist. Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Sengaliappan hospital , Kaipana medical Centre. Director of Gandhi Medical Centre. 15 yrs of experience in Paediatrics.
"Nowadays children are growing very fast especially in their adolescent age. Whatever experiences they get in this age is going to determine their future personality. I congratulate MSLS for coming up with the concept "The Transformational Path". I went through the modules and activities, it is definitely going to help children to grow both physically and mentally in all possible ways."

MBBS, DCH., DDN., Paediatrician, Neonatologist, Growth and Development Specialist

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Founder and Managing Director of Kolapasi Chain of Restaurants.

After completing his Masters in Bio-informatics , from Georgia Tech, Atlanta. Santhosh entered the world of entrepreneurship. Kolapasi, his second venture kicked off well and has been his drive to do better for the world. Kolapasi is one of the largest South Indian takeaway restaurant currently operating in Chennai and is expanding to Bangalore ,Colmbatore and Singapore through Franchising. He belongs to the elite list of 20 Inspiring men of the year 2017 by WE magazine. A passionate and hard working person, He is a public speaker, an author in progress. He loves to cook, read, travel and Is an avid badminton player. Kolapasi won the best restaurant chain of the year 2018 award from Indian Business Congress.
"I highly recommend "The Transformational Path" from STUPID'S Club because the only way to transform your self is to think in a different way. I love the fact that STUPID's Club has come with an amazing program which will help your kids to think in a different direction and empower them with all different Life Skills they need in this age. It's going to be a terrific program and I'm really happy that the parents are looking in this direction to get the Transformation for their kids."
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Story Teller, Social Activist, Created social awareness among 20,000 kids and parents through Youthful India-STAY SAFE campaign.
Dear Parents and all the children who are watching this. I think this is an excellent program from My Stupid Little Science called -'The Transformational Path' and this is what is needed right now. As you all know how important it's for the children to grow as responsible and sensible citizens of the country and as a person too, they need to be well groomed, should be given proper thoughts and right mentoring is very very essential. I think this program does that. We all know that this covid pandemic has taught us how to cope up with the fall. We were all at home for 100 days, we had to live with what we have and what's the next step we just decided in the next moment. People started into new businesses, started to live in a different way, people started to live with what they had, a contend living. It all started from the previous year . Did we ever thought of teaching our children about that!? Was the child aware that these situations could happen? But now, we learnt lot from this. So, I think this is the right time to share with our children too and this is an excellent platform for them. So, I also took this opportunity to share few ideas of mine with you and children. Hope you all enjoy and take it for a life time too!
Amutha Karthik

Founder-NEST, Social Activist.

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Vaishnavee Balaji

Founder & Happiness Hacker-My Stupid Little Science, Food Bank Coimbatore & Youthful India

• Social worker to bring Positive Changes through NGOs and Personal Initiatives. • Addressed 70,000 Students, Parents and Corporates • Josh Talk Speaker, Delivered 100+ Special Talks
For all the queries that runs in your mind about the well being of your children especially during this pandemic, the answer which we give you is 'The Transformational Path'. This is not going to be an yet another online class, these 8 to 9 months of journey is going to be a life time asset for your children. With no second thought I highly recommend 'The Transformational Path' program for any child of this generation.
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